From "Die families Le Roux in Suid-Afrika" book
In 1908, two South African le Rouxs, separately and independently of each other, inquired at the
Limburg Provinciaal Genootschap voor Geskiedkundige Wetenschappen, Taal en Kunst in Roermond, in the Netherlands
about the possible existence of family coats of arms for the South African ancestors. One was Miss Margaretha le Roux (A1B2C4D3E1F7G1) from Vredenburg, Noorder Paarl and the other Rev. JA van Zyl le Roux (A2B4C3D14E8F1)
from Wildepaardekloof, Ashton. The secretary of the Society, AF van Buurden, sends both descriptions and rough
sketches of two coats of arms. One coat of arms was used in Blois and the other in Normandy. As both were
Blois descendants, the two inquirers, still unaware of each other, had proper drawings of the Blois coat of arms
made for personal use.
Thirteen years later, in 1921, Reverend AA Dreyer, at the time archivist of the NG Church in Cape Town and married
to a lady le Roux, became interested. He is going to do personal research in the Netherlands and he too gets the Blois
coat of arms in Roermond. He has a number of the weapons manufactured and sells them at £1.10 (R3) each. This
coat of arms consists of a broad-armed cross on gold with the motto Constantia and was identical to the coat of arms
which the first two persons had made.
With the establishment of the le Roux familybond, the Blois coat of arms was redrawn and submitted to the
Bureau of Heraldry in Pretoria with the request to design a heraldically correct family coat of arms and register it in
terms of the Heraldry Act. In the State Gazette 6034 of 2 June 1978, it was announced that this weapon was properly
registered in the name of the Le Roux Family Association and may only be used with the prior permission
of the association.
The Normandy coat of arms is more complicated. The shield is divided into four; top left are three silver jugs on red
and top right a red bull's head on gold. Bottom left is a windmill on gold and bottom right is water on black. The
motto is Ora et Labora - Pray and Work. Prints of both arms are available from the le Roux-Familybond.
(See also Appendix 6 about the le Roux Family Bond)
Van "Die families Le Roux in Suid-Afrika" boek
In 1908 doen twee Suid-Afrikaanse le Rouxs, afsonderlik en
onafhanklik van mekaar, navraag by die
Limburg Provinciaal Genootschap voor
Geskiedkundige Wetenschappen, Taal en Kunst te Roermond,
Nederland oor die moontlike bestaan van familiewapens vir die Suid-Afrikaanse
stamvaders. Die een was
Mej Margaretha le Roux (A1B2C4D3E1F7G1) van Vredenburg, Noorder Paarl en die ander
Ds JA van
Zyl le Roux (A2B4C3D14E8F1) van Wildepaardekloof,
Ashton. Die sekretaris van die Genootskap,
AF van Buurden, stuur aan beide
beskrywings en rowwe sketse van twee wapens. Die een wapen was
gebruik in Blois
en die ander in Normandie. Aangesien albei Blois-afstammelinge was, laat maak die twee navraers,
nog steeds onbewus
van mekaar, behoorlike tekeninge van die Blois-wapen vir persoonlike gebruik.
Dertien jaar later, in 1921, taak
Eerw AA Dreyer, destyds argivaris van die NG Kerk in Kaapstad en getroud met
'n nooi le Roux, geinteresseerd. Hy gaan doen
persoonlik navorsing in Nederland en ook hy kry die Blois-wapen
in Roermond. Hy laat 'n aantal van die wapens vervaardig en verkoop dit
teen £1.10 (R3) stuk. Hierdie wapen
bestaan uit 'n breedarmige kruis op goud met die leuse Constantia en was
identies met die wapens wat die
eerste twee persone laat maak het.
Met die stigting van die le
Roux-familiebond is die Blois-wapen herteken en aan die Buro van Heraldiek in
voorgelê met die versoek om 'n
heraldies-korrekte familiewapen te ontwerp en dit ingevolge die Heraldiekwet
te registreer. In die Staatskoerant 6034 van 2 Junie 1978 is bekend gemaak
dat hierdie wapen behoorlik in die
naam van die Le Roux-Familiebond geregistreer is en slegs met
vooraftoestemming van die bond
gebruik mag word.
Die Normandie-wapen is meer
ingewikkeld. Die skild is in vier gedeel; links bo is drie silver kruike op
rooi en
regs bo 'n rooi bulkop op goud. Links
onder is 'n windmeul op goud en regs onder is water op swart. Die leuse
is Ora et Labora - Bid en Werk. Afdrukke van albei wapens is
beskikbaar by die Ie Roux-Familiebond.
(Sien ook Bylae 6 oor die Ie Roux-Familiebond)
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