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Die 3 Le Roux's - The 3 Le Roux's
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Belangrike lokasies - Important locations
Pommegorge, France
The farm that Jean and Gabriel came from.
Simondium kerk/church
First Huguenote church.
Hugenote/Hugenots monument
Located in Franschoek, an important place to visit to learn more about the history of the Huguenots.
Farms in South Africa
Link to list of historic sites.
Stellenbosch Uni Archive
Archive of old photos - Paarl
Famielie wapen - Coat of arms
Informasie - Information
Historic sites in Paarl
Link to list of historic sites.
Belangrik informasie - Important information
History channel
Link to Hugenote history by History channel
Hugenots history
Link to the Christian institute - Hugenote history.
Blois, France archive
Blois government registry database
Blois , France images from 1500-
Drawings from Blois
Old photos in Mer, France
Photos of Mer from council/municipality
Mer, France archive
Mer government registry database
Voorschoten ship
Information about the ship.
The Dutch East India Company (OVC)
Information about the VOC
Historic photos of South Africa
Visit this Flickr account for 100s of photos of South Africa in the haydays.
Railway travel in historic SA
Visit this Flickr account for 100s of photos of rail travel in historic South Africa.
Travel in the historic SA
Visit this Flickr account for 100s of photos of
travel in historic South Africa.